Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I have a Dream…

And it starts with finding a job. Oh how I wouldn’t love to just be offered a really sweet job and at excellent teaching hospital in a great city. But, that hasn’t happened yet, so the application process continues. Since I know many of you may be curious, I’ve narrowed my “great city” selection down to about three different choices.

Seattle, WA- because I’m not ready to give up on the Pacific Northwest just yet. Some of my Valpo friends are moving there after graduation, I have plenty of friends from home who live/visit there often, and a cousin who was recently promoted to Assistant GM for the Mariners. Bring on the baseball.

St. Louis, MO- because graduating from Valpo actually means something to people (and employers) in the Lou, but they don’t have to deal with Lake Effect. They also have a couple of LARGE hospital systems, who are more dedicated to hiring new graduates than anywhere else I’ve seen yet.

Baltimore, MD/ Washington DC
- because my sister can be very persuasive when she wants to be and free rent while I find a job sounds pretty good to me. Plus, there are a LOT of people in a small area, which means a lot of hospitals.

So far my Excel spreadsheet has about 15 different hospitals/ health systems from these locations, and I start to send out actual applications the end of February. Until then I have 4 exams, 10 clinical days and a lot of work to get done.

(Look Mim, twice in one month!)

Love and miss-


Liz said...

All three seem like great places for a young professional to live. Kelsey is currently in Seattle, as well. And don't forget, here in B/DC, free rent also comes with canine companionship! : )

Vickie Chambers said...

canine companionship will happen everywhere. I'm sick of not having a dog.

Liz said...

don't nurses have 12 hour shifts? guess your roommate will have to love dogs, too!

Chris Nye said...

the fact that you have an Excel spreadsheet is priceless.

Also, can i just say, St. Louis? What? It is certainly the most depressing place I've ever been to.

I vote for Seattle first, and DC/Maryland second...especially since Ali and I may go east coast in the next 2 years.