Friday, January 08, 2010

New Year, New Goals?

I’m not a big “resolutions” kind of person. I guess part of that is because I’m lazy. I am also, however, a goal driven person, and tend to write yearly goals instead. Sometimes they resemble resolutions, and sometimes they are just expectations of who I want to be come next December. Usually, I write them on the plane ride back to school. This year, however, I couldn’t figure out what to write. Since I have no real idea as to where I will be next Fall, I’ve discovered that writing goals isn’t as easy as it has been in the past. Hopefully I’ll be able to come up with a few before the month is over. (although my grandmother pointed out that I’m the member of the family who updates her blog least often, so perhaps that should be one of them…)

In other news, Christmas Break was wonderful. The first week allowed me plenty of time to catch up with my friends back in Oregon, and saying good bye felt a little weird since it wasn’t the usual “see you in May.” Other than a few weddings this summer, I’m not sure when I’ll be back. The second week gave me the chance to catch up with a lot of family that I haven’t seen in a while, and it was comforting to find that some things never change, especially at a time in life when I feel like everything is about to.

I flew from sunny, warm Southern California to the frozen tundra of Valpo. We’re currently in the middle of a winter storm warning, and I’ve seen about a foot of snow in the last week. The good news is that it has made me SO glad to be out of here in a few months. I think the weather single-handedly changed my fear of the future into excitement. I’m still rather scared about job hunting and all, but the good news is that whenever I do finally get that job, it’ll be a good one, complete with a very nice paycheck. Yes, the planner in me wants to have it all figured out as soon as possible, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that one more summer off wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

So I face the next semester with excitement. I take finals the week before Easter, and have my official exit exam near the end of April. Looks like my senior week is going to be more like senior month!

love and miss-

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