Monday, March 15, 2010

Still on Nica Time…

Well, it’s almost 10, which means I’m about ready to crash. Two weeks of getting up at 5:30 will do that to you I guess 

Spring Break 2010- Costa Rica.Nicaragua was absolutely amazing- I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my final break from student life. It was exactly what I needed in so many ways. Here are some highlights:

-Over the course of our 7 clinic days, my assessment skills really did get much, much better. JP and I struggled through our first diagnostic circle, forgetting to ask most of the important questions, and skipping all physical assessment other than vitals. Dr. Jorge, the local Costa Rican doctor we were working with, effectively reminded us of everything we forgot, while simultaneously intimidating the heck out of me. We shared a moment later, after I held this baby girl for a few hours and he expressed his desire to be a dad- which isn’t so intimidating.

-A fantastic homestay experience with a couple who were only a few years older than us- complete with a run to the local MegaSuper for Oreos and birthday hats, Sammi the house dog and Jeffrey, the outdoor rabbit who was much bigger than Sammi.

- Swimming in a waterfall in the middle of a Costa Rican forest (which reminded me a lot of the gorge) It was one of those “I never thought I’d be doing THIS in my lifetime” moments, and listening to the water crash in front of you while hiding behind the falls is completely exhilarating.

-Watching numerous sunsets from the comfort of a hammock, and gazing in amazement at the ridiculously starry sky over Lake Nicaragua while discussing love and life with Laura and JP each night, and all of the unexpected surprises along the way.

- Actually pulling teeth (yeah, I was the one doing it) and being a part of the removal of a rather large kidney stone from the end of a patient’s penis- both things that would NEVER happen in the States. (see, I really am a nurse… this is cool, not disgusting)

-Taking in the scenery during the daily commute in the back of a pick-up truck- complete with lakeshore and volcanoes.

- Running straight into the (warm!) Pacific Ocean following an awesome, but super sweaty, canopy tour in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

Looking at pictures makes me want to go back so badly, and I’m praying that at some point I’ll get to return to Ometepe Island. Short term health service trips are something that will definitely be a part of my future, and I’m more excited about being a nurse than ever. Thank you so much to all of you who helped make this trip a reality for me- it was definitely the trip of a lifetime.


Liz said...

Thanks for the recap. : ) Glad you enjoyed the experience so much!

Also, please clarify how big the kidney stone was. I am cringing on behalf of the patient and the medical team in regards to that anecdote.

Vickie Chambers said...

big enough to get stuck and take 45 minutes to dig out. I'm bad at comparisons, but probably similar in size to the BIG Nerd that comes in every box...

Chris Nye said...

I refrained from reading this until I got your letter and just remembered to read it now. Great recap. So happy you went.