The Chance to Find Yourself
Thanks so much for reading!
Thursday was my exit exam from the nursing program. A three year cumulative test that determines graduation eligibility can be a bit intimidating, and I was SO relieved when I passed. Thank god for instant results… I don’t know how people survived waiting for their results back in the day. I went out with a few of my nursing friends last night and it was so nice to be able to fully relax. I will miss my fellow nursing students- classmates who turned into friends after years of classes and countless study sessions in the library. There’s a bond formed during stressful exam weeks and early morning clinicals that most students probably don’t experience. I’m glad we all got to celebrate passing together last night, and will continue to do so for the final few weeks before graduation.
Go ahead, ask- So, Vickie, what are you doing after graduation?
Well, I’m headed east to Maryland to celebrate Sissy’s masters and then hanging out with the DePriest fam (and more likely Oscar) as I spend the next few weeks studying for the NCLEX-RN, or my nursing boards. After that, I’m headed back out west to work at Riverview Bible Camp just outside of Spokane, WA for the summer. It’s the camp my Rolling Hills students are going to this year, so I’ll still get to see them, and close enough to Portland that I can (relatively) easily get back to watch my three best friends get married in July and August. After the third wedding, I’m headed back to Maryland where I plan on moving in with Liz and Billy short term as I search for a real nursing job in the DC/Baltimore area.
I’m excited. For graduation, and seeing family. For some time off and two cross-country road trips. For summer camps and watching my friends get married. Mostly, I’m just excited to see what the next stage in life has to offer. Bring it, world!
(** I wrote this at the beginning of the weekend, but have been fighting with blogspot for a few days, so it's just now being posted. In the mean time, I bowled, slept in, shakespeared, dance partied, toured, watched exciting baseball from right behind home plate (thanks Jeff!) birthday partied, songfested and congratulated my friends during the Outstanding Senior Award dinner... I'd say it was a good weekend! )