Tuesday, May 23, 2006

since everyone else is doing it-

i figured i might as well too. although i'm not going to claim to be a better writer than either nate or liz, i spend way too much time on Instant Messenger for that. dad though- we'll see. so, i officially have seven days of high school left, and i honestly haven't ever been this stir crazy. i literally cannot focus at school. it really doesn't help that we're pretty much having "work time" for presentations that take all of five minutes to put together because my teachers are tired of teaching. it just makes me really wish that i was back at home in my warm bed, especially during statistics.
we started dissecting our cats the other day in biology and it's pretty darn cool. we named ours Octavius. he was a cute little kitty once upon a time, but being that i'm not really a huge fan of cats, i'm more interested in what his aortic valve looks like. it's pretty sweet by the way. i'm surprised at how many people are planning on going into the medical field later on in life, and yet can't stand to look at the insides of a cat. come on people, how are you going to handle human heart surgery if you can't go at a feline first? we get to crack open the skull on thursday, and i'm super excited about that. nothing like the brain to get me going.
we had our senior graduation dessert for church on sunday night, and it just reinstated the fact that i'm going to miss all of my friends like crazy when i get on the plane on Aug. 17 at 10:10am. ok maybe not then, but soon after that. my friends are my family. we've been best friends forever, and almost all of them are going to Seattle Pacific next year. i love them to death, but i couldn't handle that. i'm really excited to get away, and experience something new. i just hope that they won't forget all about me when i'm gone. i already know this summer is going to be amazing- if i'm not working the whole time.
i got my first pay check today, and let me tell you- it's a nice thing to have money again. and, to know that in two more weeks i'll have even more money. not only does scooping ice cream at good ole Cold Stone earn me money, but i'm working so much (31 hours this week alone) that i hardly have time to spend it, which is a very good thing. i really like my co-workers, so i hardly see it as work. and i'm excited to be seriving people on a regular basis. i always have been the little waitress girl.
well- that's all for now. i have to go finish some english homework, and plan for bible study. i can't wait to see all of you for Graduation- it's going to be a real party.


Liz said...

I know you did not list "the human body" as one of your interests without thinking about the connotation first. How much time are you spending on research these days?

Nate C said...

I just figured out what I'm going to get you for graduation...a SHIFT key.